Thursday, March 1, 2012

I love african violets!


  1. Hi Sue! It's so nice to meet you and I'm glad you decided to comment so I could come over for a visit! Oh, I love african violets too. They always make me think of my childhood and Vacation Bible School. We made a craft with a coffee can and glued taken apart clothespins around it and then we all had an african violet to put in the can! :)
    Yours looks so pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Hello Sue, thought I'd drop on by and say hello, and your site is just so pretty. I love your header photo and was wondering if it was taken where you live. Just lovely, thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Rose, yes the azalea bush is in my is so pretty each spring. We have a beautiful magnolia tree next to it that smells wonderful when it blooms. We also have several rhododendrons that bloom about the same time...I love springtime.
